Sunday, 7 September 2014

Time Trips: The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Time Traveller

As with many others in the Time Trips series, this sees a popular author, this time author of Chocolat Joanne Harris, write a Doctor Who story. This one features Jon Pertwee's Third Doctor and in terms of continuity is set right before the end of his last story, Planet of the Spiders

The dying Doctor finds himself in the Village where life is idyllically simple. But when the Doctor meets the Queen he begins to realise this strange world masks a dark secret.

The idea for this is a good one, poignantly focusing on the Doctor dying. Whilst I felt Harris characterised the Third Doctor pretty well it didn't have much in common with his era. It felt like a New Who story which only used the Third Doctor as it was the only one that practically worked with the regeneration. 

One of the best of the series and an excellent idea which is well executed. Harris did a decent job of doing a Doctor Who story.

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