The Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Captain Jack Harkness begin a new adventure. Set somewhere in the latter stages of 'Series 1', this sees the Doctor find Time Lord technology for sale. It eventually transpires that two rival races are at war and for the Doctor it all seems to familiar.
I have to start by saying that Scott nails the characters here. The Ninth Doctor is probably my favourite incarnation and this really feels like him. Rose and Captain Jack also feel exactly like they do on screen.
The artwork is great here, with decent likenesses, although it did feel a little like our leading three had been photoshopped all the way through. The landscapes and aliens looked stunning.
I did have a bit of a problem with the plot. I mean, it's fine in itself but it feels a bit off compared to the Ninth Doctor stories we saw on TV. This is all about the legacy of the Time Lords and other than the Ninth Doctor's character, mythology like that was given a backseat. There are no human characters other than the leads and Earth is nowhere to be seen. In terms of plot, it doesn't feel very Ninth Doctor-y.
This story must have done something right because it's lead to an ongoing series. It's not quite fantastic, but it's lovely to see the Ninth Doctor again, especially when he is characterised so well.
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