Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Trust Me- Episode 2

Jodie Whittaker's medical thriller continues... Beware, there are spoilers below!

We left Cath/Ally in a precarious position last week. She'd successfully managed to convince everyone she is actually a doctor but there were threats all over the shop that could have revealed her secret. 

Cath is starting to become an excellent liar by this point. When she first joined the emergency department she was making basic mistakes like signing the wrong name on forms. But now the lies seems to be coming in quick succession. In this episode she is badgered for her passport and manages to keep fobbing the HR man off by saying she can't find it. In the end she has to pay £800 for a fake one. Surely you can't just use Google to find that sort of service? 

There's also a medical conference which Cath is virtually forced to attend. She takes very careful notes but suddenly realises that the junior doctor from her previous job is in attendance. Her answer- go to the pub! It's another example of her easily dodging a risky situation. 

One situation she hasn't managed to dodge so successfully is the journalist who has been hounding her. He leaves with the assumption that Cath's ex Karl hit her and her daughter. Cath never actually said that but she didn't deny it either. It's one thing lying about her past but when it brings other people into disrepute it could lead to major problems. 

The highlight of the episode is a scene in a lift when a patient crashes and the doctors run out of lines. It's feels really tense and claustrophobic and Whittaker is superb at showing us how stressed the character is. Fortunately it's solved by the junior doctor who, er, finds another way in. 

There's also an important scene where Cath successfully treats a drug-addict whose veins are closed up. She finds a way in, calling on her experience as a nurse, and shows how good a doctor she can actually be. I think this is a really important scene as it shows us that she's not hopeless and is genuinely making a difference to people. 

It's been clear from the start that someone will find out the truth sooner or later and at the end of the episode Cath's new partner Andrew does. He keeps hearing things that don't make sense like an old friend who heard Ally went to New Zealand and a phone call asking for Cath rather than Ally. A quick Google leads him to an image of nurse Cath receiving an award alongside the real Dr Ally Sutton. It'll be interesting to see his reaction in the next episode- he's clearly fallen head over heels in love with Cath so will he confront her, report her or keep quiet? 

To be honest, I wasn't overly keen on this episode. It had some good moments but largely it was a repeat of the last episode. Constant tension for Cath as she thinks at every moment someone has found her out. It really feels like the first two episodes could have been condensed into one. 

[Click here for all my Trust Me episode discussions)

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