Every episode of Doctor Who has much more than meets the eye so I like to put together a little post exploring links to the past and other things you might not have known about!
WARNING: Contains Spoilers
The Doctor says that Courtney will marry a feller called Blinovitch. The Blinovitch Limitation Effect refers to at least one principle of time travel and was introduced in Day of the Daleks (1972) and mentioned again in Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974) and Mawdryn Undead (1983).
This is not the first time the Doctor has used a yo-yo to test local gravity- he did the very same thing in his fourth incarnation in The Ark in Space (1975). The Fourth Doctor then regularly used for fun.
The Doctor says that “the Earth isn’t my home”. He used those exact words in The Pyramids of Mars (1975).
Tony Osoba plays Duke and has previously appeared in Doctor Who as Lan in Destiny of the Daleks (1979) and as Kracauer in Dragonfire (1987).
Filming for the episode took place on the Canary Island of Lanzarote. It is the second time Doctor Who has filmed there- the first was in 1984 when it doubled for the planet Sarn in Planet of Fire.
Vortex manipulators are mentioned in the episode. These are wrist-straps from the future of Earth which allow the user to travel through time. Both Captain Jack Harkness and River Song have used them but the Doctor disproved of them, called them space hoppers compared to his sports car.
The Doctor mentions how humans will still be around at the end of the universe, something we saw evidence of in Utopia (2007).
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