Every episode of Doctor Who has much more than meets the eye so I like to put together a little post exploring links to the past and other things you might not have known about!
WARNING: Contains Spoilers

The Doctor tells Clara that there have been many attempts to entice him to the train and says “He even phoned the TARDIS once”. This happened at the very end of The Big Bang (2010) when the TARDIS phone rang and the Eleventh Doctor can be heard saying “An Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express, in space? We’re on our way!”.
The Doctor inevitably says to the Foretold “Are you my Mummy?”. He is of course referenced what the reanimated Jamie says in The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (2005). The Tenth Doctor also says the phrase when wearing a gasmask in The Poison Sky (2008).

Comedian Frank Skinner plays Perkins in the episode. Skinner is a huge Doctor Who fan and made a cameo appearance in The Five Doctors (Reboot). You can see visible joy on his face when Peter Capaldi introduces himself as the Doctor.
Professor Moorhouse is played by Christopher Villers and has been in Doctor Who before, as Hugh Fitzwilliam in Fifth Doctor story The King’s Demons (1984). Janet Henfrey, who plays Mrs Pitt, is also a returning actor having played Miss Hardraker in The Curse of Fenric (1989).
The singer is played by grammy-award winning singer Foxes (aka Louisa Rose Allen). The full version of the song, complete with accompanying clips from Series 8, can be seen here.
The fact that she sings Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” continues something of a running joke where people in the future completely mess up when selecting songs from the past. Don’t Stop Me Now was released much later than the original Orient Express was around in the same way that few would consider Britney Spears “Toxic” a classic like it is described in The End of the World (2005).
It is not the first time a mummy has appeared in Doctor Who. In The Pyramids of Mars (1975) the Fourth Doctor faced robots disguised as mummies and the Eleventh Doctor more recently faced a mummy-like creature in The Rings of Akhaten (2013).

The Doctor offers Moorhouse a jelly baby, something he has done regularly since 1967’s The Dominators. The Fourth Doctor offered jelly babies many times but most of the Doctor’s incarnations have offered the sweet at some point.
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